Sunday, November 18, 2007

Meme alert!

Okay. My new meme has just changed. You can have eleven top characters if you want. Because I just thought of another one.

Laurie from Little Women is incredibly awesome and deserves to be on this list. I read Little Women in fourth grade when everyone around me was reading Junie B. Jones and Goosebumps, but I still fell in love with the story. I haven't read it since then (which I should once I'm done with The Fall of A Kingdom another great novel) but seen the movie enough times. Again, love the movie almost as much as the books because it captures the simple magic of growing up without all of the pressures of MY world that I have to grow up in. I envy Jo March. She can spend her time writing and acting and playing in the snow...while I do everything but that. Urghh. Okay, back to Laurie. He's awesome. That pretty much covers it. And incredibly handsome in the movie. WOW! Incredibly awesome and handsome. He's such a good friend too. I am seriously low on really good friends right now so I'm resorting to fictional characters as if they will some how, I don't know, fill that gap.

Oh well.

That's my new rule. So, ya.


Mary said...

HEY!!! I like Junie B. Jones!!!

Lauren said...

Sorry. I didn't mean to offend anybody.

Karen said...

Fictional characters are great friends to have. Never underestimate them!
I like Junie B. too, but she's better read in K-2.