Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Recooperating (Again)

To answer your question, Melissa, no I did not learn my lesson the first time this happened, so yet a again I am stuck at home, wick, from overexhaustion and about 6 1/2 hours of sleep a night. (At least its more than Lauren K's 5). I over did my voice, so naturally I don't have one today. I have that raspy cough that sounds like there's a little pool of goo in the back of your throat....
And sick on Halloween! How lame. Good thing I'm staying in tonight anyway. I hadn't planned on going out at all. I did have the weirdest dream today while I took my 3 hour nap after lunch, though.
It was about me and a couple of friends, and we were in a hotel somewhere and the power kept going out. There was serious construction going on next to us, so the hotel owner thought that was why we were losing electricity. He asked my friends and I to go across the street to this restaurant, and to ask them to flip this switch that would turn the power back on. We went over there, and we got totally lost. This restaurant was five-star, painted completely white with velvet purple couches on skinny black supports, marble stairs...the whole shabang. We walked in and started looking for this lever that we were supposed to pull to get electricity running to the hotel, but we couldn't find it. We were there for hours and hours and hours, just walking around looking for this red switch. We finally got back to the front of the restaurant and asked the owner where it was. He took us over into the middle of the restaurant and flipped the little plastic case up and flipped it. We had passed that spot about 7 times, and never EVER seen it. We were so frustrated with ourselves, but we walked back to the hotel and there was power. A little bit later, the power went out again. We ran back across the street and went back to that spot of the restaurant. But we couldn't find it. ANYWHERE! was so frustrating and humiliating.

1 comment:

Mary said...

...Good thing the dream wasn't real.